Azure Cloud Solutions

Take advantages of Azure solutions by optimizing, scaling up or down to meet the volatile needs of your business.

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Infrastructure as a Service

Avoid the expense and complexity of buying and managing your own physical servers and other datacenter infrastructure.


Platform as a Service

PaaS allows you to avoid the expense and complexity of buying and managing software licenses, the underlying application infrastructure and middleware, or the development tools and other resources.

Software as a Services

Companies that need web-based solutions or launch e-commerce quickly and don’t have time for server issues or software, for both web and mobile accessible.


Case Study

Azure Traffic Manager

Optimizing Web Performace by using Traffic Manager.

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DevOps to Azure Web Apps

Optimizing Web Performace by using Azure DevOps.

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DevOps to Windows Server

Optimizing Web Performace by using Azure DevOps.

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DevOps to Azure Web Apps

Optimizing Web Performace by using Azure DevOps.

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Koral Logo

Koral web application is built by Infocodify with ASP.NET Core, MVC 6,
BootStrap 4, Entity Framework Core, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, and Hosted on Azure.